Wiseuser Introduction

Copyright Policy


We will inform you of the copyright policy of this web site. We will inform you of this to prevent the cases which damage you as information provided by this web site is illegally used without revealing the sources, randomly reproduced or changed by others, or commercially used.


The purpose of this policy is to prevent the cases which damage you as information provided by this web site is illegally used without revealing the sources, randomly reproduced or changed by others, or commercially used. The data posted or provided by this web site the works which are protected by the copyright law. Their copyright is own by Korea Communications Commission and Korea Information Society Development Institute. Therefore, illegal copies and distribution of the data provided and posted by this web site are basically prohibited.


If you try to gain profits or reap benefits accordingly, you should in advance and separately discuss Korea Communications Commission and Korea Information Society Development Institute or be granted permission to do. Even if you post the contents of the data on your sites by discussion or approval, you should reveal that the source is this web site.


It is allowed to link the main page of this web site from screens of other internet sites. However, it is not allowed to link the detailed screens (sub domain). And when you link the main page of the web site, you should notify the system manager of the fact that the main page is linked.


If you post the data of this site on other internet sites according to the legal procedures, illegal change of the contents is prohibited except simple correction of errors. If you violate this, you can criminal penalties for it. You can cite the data of this web site to be compatible with fair practice within the fair scope to report, criticize, educate, and study them. However, in this case, it should be limited to part of the works and if you cite more than 10% of the entire contents, it can be judged to be copyright infringement.


You can copy the data of this web site when you individually use them, not for the purpose of profits and in your houses and within the scope which is applicable to them. But, if you copy them to use them internally in other organizations including companies, it is not allowed to copy them even though the companies are not commercial companies.


If you illegally copy and distribute the data of this web site, you could lead to a jail term of up to five years or fines totaling 50 million won.