Check the contents of the communication service contract

Mobile phone

Check the terminal subsidy (or 25% discount), monthly installment payment for mobile phones, monthly payment of telecommunication fees, and monthly basic payment

Mobile phone subsidy
(or 25% discount)
Monthly installment savings for cell phones Monthly communication fare The basic monthly payment
 단말기 지원금   휴대폰 월 할부금  통신요금 월 납부액
 월 기본 납부액

Highspeed Internet

Check the monthly fare, equipment rent, monthly discount, and monthly communication fare

Monthly fare Equipment rent Monthly discount Monthly communication fare
 월 정액 요금  장비 임대료 월 요금 할인액
통신요금 월 납부액

Useful free service

Spam blocking Safe notification for mobile phone payments Cut off 060 calls No of international calls allowed Finding lost phones
스팸차단  휴대폰 결제 안심통보 060발신 차단
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